Author Bio:
First, C.G. Ayling is a pseudonym. My Godfather and the man who first name I share, Charles Gilbert Ayling, was a man and a truly wonderful person. I am also a real person. Though I happen to be male, I hesitate to deem myself a “real man” since that is a topic in its own right. Who I strive to be, as opposed to the given name I received, is reflected in my writings. To me, my words are far more important than my name. I hope that once you’ve read me, you’ll know me as well as I know myself.
What inspires you to write?
A strong desire to reveal the things that matter to me as a person. You know, the little things like freedom, liberty, self-determination, equal access to law, love, and of course justice that is just.
Tell us about your writing process.
I am a “seat of the mind” writer. I formulate an idea within my mind, contemplate it for a while, and then let it write itself when it is good and ready. As a result of this I am by no means a prolific writer, it takes me a long time for flesh out my thoughts, and an even longer time to get them down on paper. Naturally I use virtual paper, not real… The only exception to this is Twitter, where I share what I think, when I think it. If you’re interested in my musings you can find me as @CGAyling – and yes, I do follow back as I think that it is not only difficult, but also largely pointless, to hold a conversation with yourself.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I would never dream of talking to my characters! Of course the reason for that is that they have no interest in hearing about me. Like most real people, my characters are far too interested in talking about themselves to listen to me. So, to reiterate, I never talk to my characters, they talk to me.
What advice would you give other writers?
Advice? I love giving advice! If you wish to be financially successful, don’t listen to my advice. If you want your readers to love your words, then you have to love them too. Write with your heart, and let software handle the spelling errors. Write when you feel the need to write, not when you feel the need for money.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
My writing is not mainstream. I wanted control, and I didn’t want my messages diluted. This limited my options to, well, me :).
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think traditional publishing is hear to stay. Yes, the traditional model is changing, but the traditional publishers have enormous influence. Indie publishing is a very, very hard sell. But then no one ever said writing was easy did they? Oh wait, I did, but I also said editing is incredibly difficult, and that is where the traditional publishers have something the independents simply don’t.
What do you use?
Professional Editor
What genres do you write?
Fantasy, Philosophy.
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print, Both eBook and Print
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