About Angela Roquet:
Urban fantasy author Angela Roquet is a great big weirdo. She collects Danger Girl comic books, owls, skulls, and random craft supplies. Her obsessions include the Wizard of Oz, over-sweetened coffee, and all things Joss Whedon. She’s a fan of renewable energy, marriage equality, and religious tolerance. As long as whatever you’re doing isn’t hurting anyone, she’s a fan of you, too.
Angela lives in Missouri with her husband and son. When she’s not swearing at the keyboard, she enjoys painting, goofing off with her family and friends, and reading books that raise eyebrows. GRAVEYARD SHIFT, the first novel in Angela’s Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc. series, is now available for FREE on Kindle.
What inspires you to write?
Everything! Absolutely everything. Every bit of sensory input I experience is added to the big pot of brain stew that fuels my desire to tell stories.
Tell us about your writing process.
I hear there is some really great software out there now, but I still prefer my poster board and sticky notes to help outline and organize my chapters. I have a dry erase board for the initial brainstorming session. I start off working with the traditional plotting framework, and then things deviate from there. I’ve read a lot, A LOT, of plotting, structure, conflict, ect. books on writing, but they don’t all agree with each other. Still, I find bits of everything I read useful.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Both. Since I write from Lana’s POV, I often hear her talking to me, like a girlfriend telling the crazy story of her life. But otherwise, I’m the queen of this little fictional world, so I boss my characters around quite often. They don’t always listen, but at least I get them going in the right direction before they take over.
What advice would you give other writers?
Read ALL THE THINGS. Read books in your genre, but also read books that are far removed from your genre. You’d be amazed at the inspiration you can find within pages you might have never given a chance. I used to write book reviews for a newspaper in Ohio, and to keep things interesting, I read from all genres. It really spiced up my literary palate. Mary Roach is one of my favorite non-fiction authors. Her work is dark and humorous, and it always inspires me. Ray Kurzweil and Daniel Quinn are also fantastic and thought-provoking, if you’re looking for inspiring works. And definitely find some time to read books on writing– but read them with a grain of salt. They will often contradict each other, but you will always find something that will enhance your writing. Think of your craft as a treasure hunt for pieces of your own unique puzzle.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I started off down the traditional path… I landed my dream agent early on, but then she retired. Rather than start the search all over again, I decided to give self-publishing a try. It wasn’t especially popular yet, and it took a few years to get the hang of. I have graphic design and marketing experience, so that definitely helped. I think I’d still like to give traditional publishing a try someday, but it’s not a big priority. I really love the control that comes with self-publishing, and it’s been very rewarding.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think ebooks will continue to rise in popularity, but I don’t think physical books will ever disappear entirely. There is something magical about bookstores and libraries, the towering shelves of words, the feel of a new book, the smell of an old book. I find it equally amazing that I can access the entire contents of a library from my cell phone today. I used to travel a lot, and I’d always have a giant rubbermaid box of books with me. The looks I’d get from hotel clerks… Now I have a Kindle. I’m able to pack much lighter, and I have less anxiety about the lack of available shelf space in my office.
What do you use?: Co-writer, Professional Editor, Beta Readers
What genres do you write?: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, YA, Zombies, Comedy, Mythology
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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