This end-of-the-world tale focuses on race and group dynamics, as a small band of humans seeks to survive a thermal warfare attack by intergalactic invaders. The result is the earth is left scorched and devoid of nearly all human and animal life. A scattershot group of survivors (who dub themselves “Mulholland’s Mad Dogs”), must work as one to not only endure the altered climate, but ward off marauders, rabid animals and overcome their own fears and prejudices.
The group discovers that they are test subjects in an alien experiment and that they must wrest the fate of mankind from the hands of otherworldly beings. Following the fierce leadership of Daron Turner and his pregnant co-worker Regina Jackson, this eclectic mix of humanity struggles to find essentials such as food, shelter, defense and electrical power. The group includes Dan, a committed do-as-your-told type; gangbanger Melvin Hicks; Rocks and Ray Earl–escaped prison inmates; a Christian couple; Barbara–a tough-talking widow, and several others.
The final confrontation mandates that the earth residents fight to protect their future: Regina’s unborn child,
Timothy N. Stelly is a poet, novelist and screenwriter from northern California whose 2008 novel, HUMAN TRIAL (All Things That Matter Press), is the first part of a sci-fi trilogy that tells the story of an alien attack that decimates nearly all human, animal and plant life on earth, and explores the human dynamics that unfold as America attempts to rise from the ashes.
HUMAN TRIAL II: ADAM’S WAR (2010, All Things That Matter Press) is a tale of romance, revolution and rebirth as Adam Turner leads an outgunned contingent of everyday Americans into battle against their alien nemesis.
HUMAN TRIAL III: NATIONAL SECURITY is due in 2012. Also coming in 2012: NATHAN’S COUGAR, an erotic comedy about a young man who seduces his best friend’s sister and mother.
Stelly is also a contributor to the AIDS-themed anthology, THE SHATTERED GLASS EFFECT (2009) . His story SNAKES IN THE GRASS, Is a tale of love, betrayal and its sometimes deadly consequences.
In 2005, Stelly won First Prize in the Pout-erotica poetry contest for his erotic piece, C’mon Condi.