Coloring Life by Vikki Alexander
Julie is a seemingly normal middle-aged woman who married the man of her dreams, or so she thinks. She had a very difficult childhood being the youngest daughter of a divorced couple. Her mother is an alcoholic, and her father resents her due to questions surrounding her paternity. Julie’s upbringing left her unsure of how to differentiate between love, sex, and power. Her story is told through a series of therapy sessions. The reader learns of her abusive past and its effect on the present day.
Targeted Age Group:: 30+
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 5 – NC-17
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Writing this novel has been a labor of love that evolved over the last decade. What started as a mid-life crisis-driven project turned into a mission to help others. There are many human experiences the general population keeps buried under a shroud of secrecy, but those are the very topics that need exploration; they need a voice.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My characters are a compilation of the world I see around me. There is a little bit of Julie in all of us.
Book Sample
Do you ever drive by a church when a wedding is about to take place and want to scream, "Don't do it!" I do. All the time.”
To get to my suburban corner of the world, I must drive by a beautiful white church where, every Saturday, there is a wedding taking place. I often watch as the bride stands on the front steps waiting to make her grand entrance. The dress or hair may differ, but each bride has the same euphoric look on her face. She is beaming with happiness and hope for the future, not knowing what is actually on the other side of the door. The person waiting for her is not her prince charming, nor is he the man of her dreams. He is another human being with as many annoying faults as anyone else. Although those faults seem endearing now, someday, they will piss her off to no end. She is about to pledge to be with that man for the rest of her natural-born life. She is planning to grow old with him because for generations, women have been conditioned to find that one great love, marry, and live happily ever after. That wouldn't be a bad thing if there were any possibility we could. No one ever told me that marriage on a typical day is challenging and nearly impossible on a bad one.
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