Karin Cox edits and writes in her “spare time” while being a fulltime mum to a toddler and to a black cat with the improbable name of “Ping Pong.”
She is the author of more than 30 trade-published natural history books, biographies, Australian social history books, children’s picture storybooks, and travel guides, several of which have won awards. Karin has had poems and short stories published in anthologies worldwide and her ebooks CRUXIM, GROWTH, CAGE LIFE, HEY LITTLE SISTER and PANCAKES ON SUNDAY are available on Amazon.
Thankfully, the busier she gets, the more creative she is (and the more likely to afford to hire a housekeeper). Karin and her partner live in sunny Queensland, Australia, where she writes from her back deck overlooking the pool, her study (overlooking her messy desk) or her couch (overlooking Dr Phil). You can follow her on twitter @Authorandeditor or visit her fanpage on Facebook www.facebook.com/KarinCox.Author or sign up for her mailing list http://eepurl.com/vk_bP Also, feel free to email her at cruxim@hotmail.com.
Targeted Age Group:
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Make time to write. It is one piece of advice I haven’t always followed. Sometimes you have to prioritize other things. But make time. Even if it is ten minutes of your lunch break. The only way to write a novel is: To. Write. It.
Author Bio:
Karin Cox is a 38-year-old Australian who is an editor by trade and has had more than fifteen years of editorial experience with publishers in Australia and the United Kingdom. Since 2004, she has also turned to writing, and has published more than 40 titles across various genres, some with publishers and some self-published via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, Create Space, and other online retailers such as Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony and Diesel. The bulk of her work is in non-fiction (natural history and Australiana) and creative non-fiction (memoirs and autobiography, for which she has often ghost-written in the past), but her passions are poetry and fiction for both children and adults. Since 2011, she has published five books as e-books (and some with Create Space print editions). They are:
Growth, a book of poetry published in 2011
Cage Life, a book of short stories, published in 2011
Hey, Little Sister, a children’s picture book published in 2012
Pancakes on Sunday, a children’s picture book published in 2012
Cruxim, a gothic paranormal romance published in 2013.
She is also a freelance editor whose client list includes successful indie-published authors such as David Gaughran, Cheryl Shireman, and J Carson Black, and whose editorial services website is www.editorandauthor.com
On top of that, Karin runs the author services website Indie Review Tracker, which provides content and author services for independently published authors, including a database of book bloggers and critics who review books by indie authors, and which also offers banner advertising services.
Currently engaged to the father of her two-year-old daughter (the best creation of Karin’s life), she lives in sunny Queensland, Australia, where she can usually be found writing out on her deck overlooking the pool (or procrastinating!).
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