Stranded in the Arctic, the international crew of an illegal whaler find themselves in a race for survival. Can they survive the cold, the sea, and, most of all, each other?
Pushed to desperation in a bleak world ravaged by climate change, Lora M’Bandi flees her homeland to join a group of unlikely outcasts aboard the whaling ship Livyatan. When an explosion rips through the vessel, the crew become shipwrecked deep inside the Arctic Circle—sabotaged by one of their own. Now, they must trek across the treacherous sea ice to reach dry land before the ice retreats—all the while with a traitor in their midst and fearsome predators stalking their every move.
Who will make it out of this harrowing tale of horror and survival?
Targeted Age Group:: 18+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The original inspiration for Broken Voyage actually came while watching a David Attenborough documentary about orcas. I always admired their cunning and power, but also their personable characteristics. They have language, emotion, and culture.
And so I imagined, firstly, how terrifying a prospect it would be to be hunted by a pod. But also the potential to view this from the orcas' perspective too.
And so I wondered what sort of desperate situation would drive a pod of orcas to resort to hunting humans. The climate change angle and everything else that followed stemmed from that question.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Broken Voyage has an intentionally diverse cast in terms of age, social background, race, gender, orientation etc. I wanted to drive home the message that the changes this near-future world faces affect everyone, no matter who they are.
This lead me to a wonderfully mishmash of unlikely crewmates; each of whom have a unique story to tell.
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