FREE on Smashwords 7/5/2013 through 7/31/2013! (use coupon code SW100)
“Bodies” is a quirky new murder-mystery series that’s equal parts HBO’s “Big Love” and “NCIS.” You’ve seen cop shows. Now imagine three members of the same investigative team getting into a threesome and deciding to keep it going as a longterm three-way relationship. Throw in a bioterror threat and a quirky family drama, and you’ve got “Bodies,” the summer’s hottest new murder-mystery drama!
Targeted Age Group:
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Write! Don’t talk about writing, don’t stress about writing, just write!
Author Bio:
Sameer Ketkar was born in New Jersey and now loves in California. He has a Bachelor’s degree in screenwriting.
I love cop shows, and I wondered what would happen on a cop show if three members of the same investigative team got into a threesome, and decided to keep it going as a longterm threeway relationship.
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