Mick Macintosh, a man who came of age in the 1960s and ’70s, must find his way in the post-9-11 world, after losing his job to the resultant economic crash. He must battle an economy that no longer values his knowledge, experience or passion; a world that inspires his son to fight in the war against terrorism; and a past full of questionable decisions.
Targeted Age Group:
18 and older
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Here is the advice I received from my sixth-grade teacher, and it still works: “Read, read, read, and write, write, write.” It’s okay to put aside a piece that isn’t quite working for you, but you must go back and pick it up, or you must find some other vehicle through which to express yourself, to tell your story.
Author Bio:
I have been writing fiction in sixth grade, most of it very bad. To earn a living, I worked as a high school teacher, a journalist and a grant proposal writer. I earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2007 from the University of Pittsburgh, for which I wrote the first draft of Between Lives. I grew up in the Pittsburgh, Pa., region and remain a passionate fan of the Pirates and Steelers.
I wrote this book, in part, to chronicle the battle the most recent wave of aging Americans must face. Just as men who worked in the steel and other heavy industries faced a changing world unaccommodating to them in the 1980s, men and women with professional degrees have been tossed aside by the most recent steps in our economic and technological evolution. It happens in every generation, and the story needs to be told, with its attendant twists and turns, for every time.
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