Congo Mission begins in Dr. Jack Sharp’s younger days as a missionary in Congo in the 1980’s. As a Christian missionary Jack has stepped out beyond his comfort zone into an unfamiliar world desiring to do what he believes God wants of him. He is challenged by daily activities as he tries to learn the local language and culture surrounding him. Facing challenges in every aspect of life, from daily meals to life saving surgery, Jack’s skills, knowledge and faith are tested as he learns what existence as a missionary has to offer.
Outside of his awareness, forces are gathering which will impact his life forever. His will and character get a work out as well when danger and intrigue engulf his new life. Nevertheless, his future is brightened by a beautiful young woman while the peaceful jungle erupts as the seeds of rebellion begin to grow.
The corrupt John Levy sets in motion a plan to enrich himself. As his own plan dissolves his life becomes intertwined with Jack Sharp, and they find themselves thrust against each other in a deadly competition.
Targeted Age Group: 15 and up
Book Price: $.99
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