Genre: nonfiction
Targeted Age Group: 18+
eBook price range: 9.95
A Fresh Look at Marketing for Self Published Authors.
Everything you may have read on this subject before today may have left you scratching your head as to how anyone actually manages to successfully find new buyers for their books.
Are best selling books the result of pure dumb luck, or is there a real science behind finding new buyers for your books?
If you ask the people whose books are at the top of the sales charts, most will tell you that you absolutely have to market your books. But when you ask them what they do to market theirs, most don’t even know. They will throw up words like FaceBook, Twitter, an author’s blog, but they will likely not understand what they did to make their book a best seller.
When you are ready to replace luck with some no-nonsense, common sense marketing insight, then you are ready to get your hands on Bill Platt’s masterpiece, “Advanced Book Marketing for Starving Authors”.
He is going to take you step-by-step through the buying process from the point of view of the consumer, then he will take you by the hand and show you how to position your books for strong and steady sales.
As he put it, “you could literally create a best-seller on demand, at any time you wish to do so, and as often as you would want to do so.”
Using the same strategies described in his book, he was able to take this book to the #1 Best Seller spot in several categories and in six different countries, within just 36 hours.
This book will open your eyes to how easy it really is to launch your book to best seller status, once you understand the steps needed to achieve such results.
Link to buy Advanced Book Marketing for Starving Authors
What format is this book in? eBook
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