About Titania Hudson:
During my days as a dating counsellor, I came across a varied mix of couples, who upheld different values, beliefs and aspirations in life. Some couples were vexed over their seemingly irreconcilable differences, but they were determined to make their relationship work; others had it easier with their other half, except that they wanted to be mentally prepared to face any trials that may surface in the course of their courtship and/or marriage. Against all odds, every couple I met, had the intention to work out the kinks in the relationship. And in the course of counselling them, the intensity of emotions can be overwhelming at times, in particular, when both parties realize that despite their enthusiasm to maintain the status quo of their courtship or marriage, the lack of compatibility in terms of the elements playing a major part in their life makes it even more difficult for them to sustain the affection they once had for each other. Seeing couples split up is definitely something I do not like to see while performing on my job and I think that couples need to have a clear understanding of what they want in a partner and not force themselves to accept one another ‘blindly’ in spite of the apparent faults and differences present in both individuals involved in the relationship. That belief led me to start thinking about start a series of dating books to encourage all couples to adopt a practical yet healthy perspective of what love actually means to them.
What inspires you to write?
At a young age, I was already interested in writing descriptive essays, and it always enthralled me to use my imagination to conjure dramatic scripts and put it into actual writing. My good friend who loved comparing her scores with mine where essay writing was concerned, provided me the impetus to produce finer works than hers. I suppose that’s how the desire to become a future writer was implanted into my brain, but it just never occurred to me that it was indeed possible. Until Amazon came along and voila, I’m so glad to have the opportunity to join the growing league of writers. Of course, differentiating oneself amongst the other authors, who are streaming into the dating niche is not easy, however, I believe that competition is always healthy, and it’s good to let the readers decide which books truly meet their needs and expectations.
Tell us about your writing process.
Hmm…I would usually outline the main topic, followed by the subtopics and once I feel the momentum arising, I will immediately pen down my thoughts before they disappear into thin air! I will sort out the structure later as I progress along with the development of the theme.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
Well, I happened to come across some veteran writers, who had already published their own books on Kindle. So, I started exploring the possibility of writing and self-publishing my own books with the help of Google. I think that for most newbie authors, publishing on Kindle is quite a simple process. It’s the art of marketing which is really a tough game to handle. From what I’ve seen, many authors have had to invest a lot of their own money in offering giveaways, varied strategies to secure more reviews and devising other gimmicks at their landing pages to secure the emails of their readers. All these moves translate into a heavy investment on time, efforts and money which may not be feasible for authors hanging onto a shoestring budget. Nowadays, the quality of writing is not the only thing that counts. Rather, it is the power of marketing that is driving traffic to books which may not even make the mark! So, for newbie authors, you must be mentally prepared to write better books to outshine those authors, who are more adept at marketing their books.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think that book publishing is here to stay, but it may be getting rather saturated in most areas, no matter how niche they seemed to be at first. As an author, we need to strive to do our part by providing meaningful details and crafting out paragraphs of content which are coherent and beneficial for our readers. While for the readers, I think it would help for Amazon to really know who are the good writers out there, if you take the trouble to write positive reviews for books which do make sense in most aspects of the information provided within them. Sabotaging writers is not the right thing to do either and not everything an author says, can be applicable to the problems you are facing at present. However, by leaving reviews for authors with good intent, would really enable the truly good writers to get the attention the deserve! That said, I hope we will all enjoy the process of writing and developing an appreciative fan base of our own.
What do you use?: Professional Editor
What genres do you write?: dating and relationships
What formats are your books in?: eBook
Titania Hudson Home Page Link
All information in this post is presented “as is” supplied by the author. We don’t edit to allow you the reader to hear the author in their own voice.