About La Marchesa:
A little bit about Marchesa. (very little) She lives in Las Vegas where the temp once hit 125. She likes to think her stories are as hot as Las Vegas. She’s Italian and Greek, (born in Italy) just like her horny heroines and She’s #@*&# years old. Her great grand aunt was a marchesa in Italy, hence she borrowed her title.
What inspires you to write?
I’m a natural Story Teller with a wild imagination so writing is my outlet
Tell us about your writing process.
Like many authors I start with an idea or photograph and extemporaneously wing it. I can’t imagine laying the whole story out and then following it. How boring:)
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Can’t say that I do, but then again I’m the Mistress and the characters are my submissives.
What advice would you give other writers?
It’s a very tough racket right now. Be prepared to sacrifice.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I published my first book, a novella called TWO MINUTE ORGASM, five years ago with New Dawning Bookfair and liked them so I keep publishing with them. I now have ten books with them that most readers seem to appreciate and love. Of course there are those who abhor my writing and claim I’m doomed for HELL. Do I seem worried?
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
Between internet piracy & ebook monopoly, I think authors with have to band together. UNION? Why not, if it covers our butts. There are two existing writers unions, BTW.
What genres do you write?: Erotic, Very Erotic, Super Erotic, Blow your mind Erotic
What formats are your books in?: eBook
Link To La Marchesa Page On Amazon
Link to Author Page on Smashwords