About Robin Ray: I was born in Trinidad & Tobago to a Black mother and Asian father. I mention the biracial background because that, in addition to me being gay and autistic, caused me much grief in both Trinidad and the U.S. when I emigrated here at age 12. Finding absolute solace in isolating, I began honing two specific arts that interested me - music and writing. As a musician, I played guitar in bands and keyboards in recording sessions. Writing, always in my blood, came to the … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Robin Ray
The Greatest Gift by Marie Tayse
He has autism and she has never felt good enough. Together they set out on a daring adventure where they discover unconditional love in the most surprising of places. Targeted Age Group:: 18+ What Inspired You to Write Your Book? Watching how some people treated my friends and a family member with autism, inspired me to write this book. Some of the general public gawk and stare at those with autism, as though they are 'less than' the rest of us. I wanted to bring the reader into the life … [Read more...] about The Greatest Gift by Marie Tayse