Get a landing page on all the sites in the BookGoodies Network with just one form and one payment.
You need a landing page that has links to all the formats your book is available in and all the places it is for sale. We can help. Fill out our Mega Submit form and you will get a landing page for your book on at least 7 sites and probably more depending on your book genre.
Here are the included sites:
For All Readers – All** books go on all of these sites plus BONUS sites below by format, price and genre
Book Lovers Magazine
Book Buyer’s Guides
**Erotica Level 4 and 5 books will not go on *some* of the all inclusive sites depending on book covers. It will be at the discretion of our editors which sites those are excluded from. However we have two sites that have readers looking for the hottest and heaviest books so those books still have a place to go and will get exposure to the readers looking for them.
BONUS: Audiobooks – We have a special site with readers looking specifically for audiobooks.
Audiobook Goodies
BONUS: Discount and Free Books – Books that are free, permafree or priced under $3 – Readers looking only for Free and Discounted books
BONUS: Kindle Unlimited – If your book is in Kindle Unlimited this site promotes to KU subscribers
eBooks Unlimited
BONUS: Genre Sites – If your book is in the following genres it will be posted to the appropriate site
Reading NonFiction – All NonFiction genres. – All fiction genres.
BookGoodies Kids – Children’s Books and Young Adults under 16. – Clean Christian Fiction and NonFiction. – All mystery all the time. – Fantasy books. – Science Fiction books. – Memoirs, Biographies and Autobiographies. – Site dedicated to adult coloring books.
Genre – Romance and Erotica Only Sites (These books go on most of the sites in the For All Readers section and Discount and Free books sites if priced appropriately.) – All heat levels but the readers here prefer heat levels 1 – 3. We won’t post 5s on this site and will consider heat level 4 on a book by book basis. – Heat level 4 and 5 go on this site but covers need to be not as wild as they can be on Erotica Everyday below – Heat level 4 and 5 with as much kink as your book can provide
- Book page that lists all the places your book is for sale, you can include a book trailer, book excerpt (books need to have a family friendly excerpt), link to your author website, author mailing list, all of your social media and it will encourage readers to follow your Amazon page and your social media
- All books will have permanent* landing pages on all the appropriate sites. You can see the landing pages in the Book Buyer’s Guide category and on the Book Buyers Guide website. The more information provided by the author the better the page will look. You pick the price, format and genre categories that fits your book. *We will remove book posts that we find have been removed for sale from the bookseller. There are no refunds if your book is removed from sale.
- All books will go on at least 7 sites – 6 general and at least one specialty site
- All of the information about your book on one page you can then promote to your readers. There are social links on each page. You can post comments to update your book post plus you can send your readers to leave comments to help elevate your book post in the search engines.
- Exposure on all the appropriate sites in the BookGoodies Network without additional costs
- Inclusion in the newsletters that go along with all the sites your book is listed on.
- Social sharing of your landing page – We have over 250,000 followers between all of our social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Tumbler. Your post will be posted once to every account that is applicable to your genre and re-posted to the main BookGoodies and genre specific Facebook accounts.
Who this is for:
- Authors that want to grow their email lists – what other sites let you include a link to your newsletter sign up form?
- Authors that have books that qualify to be on multiple sites in our network
- New Launches
- GREAT for Blog Tours – all your author information in one place to go on at least 7 sites
- Get your catalog of books noticed
- Long term book discovery – not just a one hit wonder
- Authors that need to save time
- Great for regular priced books, permafree books, audiobooks, print books, permabargain books (A permabargain is an ebook priced under $3 permanently, and print book priced under $7)
- Books on multiple platforms – you get to list all the places your book is for sale
- Box sets and Anthologies that will be *permanently* available
- Permafree books for lead generation to your email list and to introduce readers to your writing style
Frequently Asked Questions
Who this *isn’t* for:
- Short term promotions – either free or bargain
- Box sets and anthologies *that have a short life span*. This is for permanent book listings, not for books that will be removed from sale.
How much is it?
Currently priced at $119. One form, one price.
When will my book be posted?
You have the ability to choose a date for your book post to be scheduled for posting. You will get an email when your post is live on BookGoodies and then you can check the Genre sites later in the day.
Can I “log in” and make changes to my post?
No, there isn’t a log in, you are not creating an account on our site. If you have changes when your book is live you can leave a comment on the book page.
Click Here to Submit Your Book Now