About Justin Morgan: I'm a Welshman with a love of the natural world and a thirst for adventure. I've always been a storyteller, and have travelled the world seeking experiences to fuel my narratives and enrich my creative craft. In autumn 2021, the first of my 'Animal Eyes' series, 'The Dogs of Chernobyl', was released, setting off a whole new adventure which I'm loving so far. Animals are my passion, and I've been fortunate to spend time in the wild … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Justin Morgan
tak… Chernobyl Photo Log by Hyun Kyu Seo
Tak... is filled cover to cover with gorgeous photographs, illustrations, and other visual surprises which bring the zone to life. It’s perfect for anyone looking to experience Chernobyl for the first time or through a new lens–a personal, optimistic story told against the backdrop of one of the most infamous disasters in human history. Targeted Age Group:: 14-35 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? Honestly, I’m surprised it took me this long to visit Chernobyl. I’ve been fascinated … [Read more...] about tak… Chernobyl Photo Log by Hyun Kyu Seo
Interview with Author – Hyun Kyu Seo
About Hyun Kyu Seo: Hyun Seo was born in South Korea, but his heart is somewhere in Eastern Europe. After falling in love with the area’s geography, culture, and history thanks to video games such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, he’d been dreaming of a trip to the exclusion zone for much of his life. Last year, he finally made his dream come true. In Chernobyl, he was overwhelmed by the beauty that had sprung up after the infamous 1986 nuclear disaster. Moved by the people he’d met and … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Hyun Kyu Seo