The following submission guidelines and FAQ apply to all posts submitted to
1. Do NOT use a shortcode in any urls you submit to our site. Any posts that contain links such at, tinyurl,, or other link shorteners could be deleted without notice. Link shorteners can possibly be deceitful and the landing url can be changed, hence they are not allowed. While most users are not trying to deceive us or our site visitors, some are and some of the link shortening companies are inserting code into your links that are not allowed on our site. Please always use a direct link to any websites you are asked to include in your posts. Affiliate tracking links are not allowed.
2. Please be sure to add your post to the proper category. Do not add free books into Bargain Books. Don’t add fiction books to a nonfiction category, or adult books into the young adult category. The better you categorize your post the more likely readers will find your book.
3. Some of our submission forms ask for what seems to be duplicate information. Please be aware that your posts about your books, your interviews and your guest posts will all come up independently in search engines. The more information you include in our forms, including answering the questions that appear repetitive or unrelated are there to help you get found. Please alter your answers to relate to the book you are submitting. The more you write the better your chances of impressing a reader and enticing them to read your book.
4. Please add time sensitive posts to our site at *least* one week before the post needs to be set live.
5. Posts submitted to BookGoodies may be scheduled a month or more after you submit them. We notify authors when their interviews are posted and when their regular and home page featured books are posted. If authors subscribe to our newsletters they will see the books that are posted in those.
6. Check your submission for typos and errors BEFORE you hit submit. We use the information “as is” and will not be performing major edits on your submission. If you submit and realize you made a lot of errors, please RE-SUBMIT with “this is a corrected submission” in the first content section. Remember that readers will be getting their first impression of you from your post, and if it is full of typos and errors, they are not likely to read your books.