There are two historical facts in which almost all modern scholars agree upon that prove the existence of Jesus of Nazareth: his baptism and his crucifixion.
This volume will include his crucifixion as depicted in art, by great artists who interpreted and illustrated the life and death of Christ.
We hope our book series which serves to introduce artists who painted the life and times of Jesus will be of value to readers.
This book is not intended to be a work of in-depth academic analysis, nor is it to decide which paintings are best or the most beautiful. Instead, it serves as a small collection of artistic and religious masterpieces to stimulate discussion rather than provide the final word on their role and effects on religion and society.
Published by Zealot Books -“Sharing Knowledge with Zeal!”
Our ‘Quick-Read Book Series’ of historical figures are published to provide condensed information for the reader to quickly have a full understanding of the material and easily become familiar with it. Our book series may also be used as valuable study aids.
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Author Bio:
Phillipe Augustine is an art critic whose books and articles have helped readers better understand and appreciate great masterpieces from the past. Being a life-long painter, he loves introducing masterful paintings to whomever is willing to open their eyes to all the vivid colors that surround us. He truly believes that art is an essential part of a person’s life.