What inspired you to write your book?
I started writing the chapters of this book while Chatterbox was still alive. When she passed away from cancer in January this year, I gathered up those chapters and wrote the balance of the memoir, in an attempt to heal from the loss and share her extraordinary impact on our lives.
About your Book:
A memoir of a highly energetic Tuxedo Tabby cat who took control of our lives and turned us into her minions. Chatterbox (aka The Cat) adopted us, considered us her personal servants for 12 of her 15 years, and delighted us with her antics (as well as scaring us to bits at times).
If The Cat had thumbs, she probably would have been running our entire household and the business single-handedly. As it was, she kept us around to open cans, doors, toy boxes, gates, and our hearts.
Book Genre: Memoir
What formats are your books in
How do you see writing a book in the Pet Genre as different from writing other genres of books?
I’ve only written one book (and this is it), so I’m not sure I’m qualified to say.
Advice to someone that is thinking about or currently working on a pet book
Don’t listen to naysayers who say “Oh, there are so many cat books out there already – you will have a tough time even getting someone to read it!” – just go write, and write often.
Write what you know and love; write what inspires you. Writing is like exercise – do so even when you don’t feel like it, when you’re not in the mood, even when you’re too tired to pull out the mat and do that extra set of sit-ups. Doing so will strengthen your spiritual core.
How did you decide how to publish your book and where is it published through:
I published through Amazon KDP since I have helped a few of my clients do so, and the process was so simple that I figured I could do it without too much hassle – and I was right!
Author Bio:
Mary K. “Casey” van Bronkhorst, born in Spokane, Washington, moved to California in the early 1970s, and dabbled in writing while pursuing a career in management. Escaping LA corporate life in the mid-80s, she moved to the Mojave Desert and split her time between owning a tavern and working in computer support.
She continues to dabble in writing on several sites and blogs, including the popular Totally Cats blog, which became the inspiration behind the memoir called Totally Cats: Life with Chatterbox, a Tuxedo Tabby – her first book. She and her husband Erik and Growler (a calico cat) live in the high desert, and are resisting the temptation to adopt a few dozen more felines.
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