Author Bio:
Dalia Florea writes fiction. She believes that growing up in New York, obtaining a degree in psychology and having a nursing background have all helped her to mold and get into the hearts and minds of her characters. She loves to read all genres, but favors suspense romance like the Marie Force Fatal Affair series. In addition to reading and writing she enjoys solving Sudoku and cryptogram quotes, attending jazz concerts and visiting wineries in and around her northern Virginia home. Dalia has parlayed her love of suspense romance novels into her first published work, Mirrored, and has a short story and a novel in the works.
What inspires you to write?
I get inspired when readers tell me how much they enjoyed reading my book. It makes me want to continue putting quality work out.
Tell us about your writing process.
I start out with writing a few ideas into my Smartphone. Some of them never see the light of day. I am truly a by the seat of my pants writer. I feel that I can be more creative that way. Most of the time I don’t know what’s going to happen or what character will appear until I actually start typing. I get excited wondering what will happen next.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I would believe that most fiction writers do listen to their characters. I definitely listen to my characters. As a writer, you would think that you’re in control of how the story is going to be told; however, my characters usually dictate how the story will be written. I’ve had times where I had an idea in mind and thought that it was the perfect plot, but by the time I started typing, the character came into my head and changed it to something totally different which made it much more interesting.
What advice would you give other writers?
My first advice would be to never give up your dream of writing. I’m a new author, therefore, I am still learning. However, I would advise to read well written books, find the time to write as much as you can, and it’s extremely important to get your manuscript professionally copy edited.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I self-published my book. I originally was not going to publish my book. I started out thinking that it would be a complete story that I would keep to myself as an accomplishment of writing. However, when people started reading the first few pages and then a full chapter, I was strongly encouraged to continue writing and get the book published. A friend of mine suggested I should think about self-publishing. I didn’t know what self-publishing meant. I searched the internet and the information that I found on self-publishing was quite overwhelming. My search revealed a plethora of self-publishing companies. I learned industry jargon such as what it meant to line copy edit, POD (print on demand), digital rights, etc. Through social media, I came in contact with indie authors who had already self-published and was very successful. They provided me with more resources which helped me narrow my choices down to whom I want to self-publish with. I love the control I have over my publication with self-publishing. I would advise new authors to do their research on both traditional publishing as well as self-publishing and choose what would be comfortable to them. Either choice, there is work to be put in and if they choose self-publishing, it is crucial to have their work edited by a professional editor.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think that publishing is going through a transitional phrase just as music has in the past. There was a time where you could walk into a music store and buy records and/or albums, today, they rarely exist. Publishing houses are consolidating or closing down. Publishers want to play it safe and use their resources by taking on well known authors who has already proven themselves in the e-publishing rather than unknown authors. Self-publishing will continue to grow because it gives a lot of talented writers opportunities to showcase their work while at the same time providing those readers with an insatiable desire to read books publications that would have never seen the light of day.
What do you use?
Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer, Beta Readers
What genres do you write?
My debut release is a Suspense Romance, but I would like to explore other genres
What formats are your books in?
Both eBook and Print
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