Gregory Davenport’s powers seem to be expanding. His great, great grandson Sean appears from the future, begging for help in finding a kidnapped baby–one who holds the future of the entire family in the balance. Gregory and his wife Irene begin a frenzied search throughout Chicago.
At the same time, Teddy and Carlo fight growing Nazi violence in Berlin. They work against the odds to help their friends Lieb and Ina escape certain death.
Will Gregory and Irene find the kidnapped baby? Can Teddy and Carlo smuggle themselves, Lieb, as well as Ina out of Germany?
Time may be running out for the Davenports and their extended family.
Targeted Age Group:: 15 years to 100
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Chicago during the 1930s was a city of violence and powerful crime families. I became fascinated with the struggles of the Irish or North Side Gang against Al Capone and the South Side Gang. My characters fight crime and atrocities committed against the common people living in Chicago. Additionally, homosexuals who were accepted in the early 1920s fled to Europe, especially Germany where they believed they would gain political acceptance. However, the failure of the Weimar Republic to pass legislation to protect them, put the homosexual community in danger along with Jewish people, Catholics, and many other groups when the Nazi regime gained power. My characters' struggle to escape the clutches of the Brownshirts demonstrates the perils as well as the bravery of those attempting to flee and reach safety. The two stories– the one about the kidnapped baby and the one about the escape to Davenport farm are intertwined coming to a powerful conclusion I believe will have readers cheering. I also think the characters in this series are very compelling, luring readers back to discover more about their lives during this historic time.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Gregory Davenport is a fictional cousin of Deanie O'Banion leader of the North Side Gang in Chicago in the 1920s. He and his brother Harrison– who worked with cousin Deanie O'Banion, run a speakeasy near Norwood Park. I wanted to create realistic people who lived in Chicago during the 1920s and 30s. This is why Irene– later Gregory's wife, works at a woman owned brokerage in Chicago (until the Crash), girlfriends Clarice and Letty are crack shots and hired as capos for the club after the Capone's gang raids the club, and Carlo (Sicilian) and Teddy (Irish) are star-crossed lovers who would be killed by their own gangs if their true relationship were discovered. This third book in the Hair of the Dog (the speakeasy) Series picks up the story of Carlo and Teddy in Berlin where they fled after the Crash in 1929 (Book 1). They have befriended Lieb Liebermann — a fellow homosexual working for the liberation movement. In 1933, the Brownshirts are beginning to take control and have targeted the Liebermann family. Teddy and Carlo, determined not to leave without Lieb, convince their friend and his sister to flee Germany for the safety of Davenport Farm and the Hair of the Dog Club in Chicago. The characters grew out of the stories I wished to tell to my readers as well as the history of the times.
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